The Ripple Effect Journey



1.  A key to living a world class life is to become a student of human performance. This means taking an interest in what makes you tick so you can continue to build your knowledge long after this program ends.

2. Being 1% better every day isn’t about big, dramatic changes. All you can do is give this day, or this moment, your full attention.

3. Remember to always think and focus on your dream and then weave it into everything you do.


As our Program comes to an end, I want to make a suggestion about how you proceed from here.

I believe that a key to living a world class life is to become a student of human performance. By that, I don’t mean you have to become a self-proclaimed exercise science geek like me. I just mean you should take an interest in what makes you tick so you can continue to build your knowledge long after this program ends.

The reason this is important has to do with the power of curiosity and learning. When we go through life with an interest in something, we are constantly looking for information about that subject.

Whatever interests you, you will follow it. That’s how desire works – we act on it. And if you develop a curiosity about how human beings perform, you can create an engine that will drive your improvement forever.

My advice is similar to what Walt Disney said about curiosity:

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing things because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
— Walt Disney

So take all of this learning and use it as a catalyst for becoming, at some level, a student of a healthy mind-body. It’s one way to ensure you live a long and successful life.

Everything in these components has been about your personal journey. Being 1% better every day isn’t about big, dramatic changes. You can’t leap ten miles at a time. You can’t move ahead to next week or next month or next year. All you can do is give this moment – this day – your full attention.

With one exception: your dream.

Make sure you are always thinking about your dream. Focus on it at all times. And then weave it into everything you do. That’s how it will become a reality, whether you are an Olympic athlete, an artist, a writer, an educator, or a business leader. 


It has been a pleasure spending this time with you. I’ve enjoyed your questions and comments and stories about your journey. I’ve heard a lot about your dreams and your challenges, and I’m grateful for that. One way of being 1% better every day is to learn from others, and I’m lucky to have learned so much from you. Thank you for participating and striving and sharing.

You can write down any final thoughts, strategies, or habits in the last page of The Ripple Effect Workbook. We would also love to hear from you so never hesitate to reach out at with your questions or comments.

I wish you the very best on your journey!

Dr. Greg Wells

Final Exercise: Start, Stop, Continue

Congratulations on completing The Ripple Effect Course! I hope you've learned a lot and that you're excited to keep learning and growing. 

Now that you've gone through all the modules, it's a good idea to reflect on what you've learned. Looking back on the entire course, what resonated the most with you? What changes can you apply to your daily routine that will have the biggest impact on your life? Maybe there's one particular area you'd like to focus on, or maybe you can change little things in many areas.

You can write these down on page 67 of The Ripple Effect Workbook


The information and advice provided in this program is intended to assist you with improving your performance, as well as your general health. It is not intended and should not be used in place of advice from your own physician or for treatment or diagnosis of any specific health issue. By participating in this program you acknowledge that undertaking any new health, diet and/or exercise regime involves certain inherent risks, that you assume such risks, and that you release Wells Performance Inc. from any responsibility or claim relating to such participation.